We believe In a progressive step ladder approach to training, not a 0 – 100 approach.  If you want to leave the gym feeling like you want to vomit then we’re probably not the training facility for you.  Sure you’ll work hard, but you’ll work hard for an end result, skill or an attribute not just for the sake of smashing yourself.  With our approach not only will you see great physical results but also build real strength that will translate into everything that you wish to do inside and outside of the gym.




A fitness boxing class that focuses on real boxing technique and skills.  You’ll benefit by increased fitness, hand eye co-ordination, endurance, speed, power and agility along decreased stress levels.

Utilising the gymnastic rings we work not only all the major muscle groups but all the small stabilising muscles as well.  Due to in the instability of the gymnastic rings our body needs to continuously make micro adjustments to keep the rings under control and our body stable, this translates to stronger ligaments and tendons, increased central nervous system response, greater body awareness and strength that carries over to many other endeavours in life.

By utilising the gymnastic rings we can also work in planes of movement that we cant whilst working with weights or on a bar, this makes the gymnastic rings great for joint health flexibility and as a great modality alongside any sort of weight training.  Regardless of your fitness or strength levels we will build you up to a point where you can benefit from ring training.

We utilise GMB protocols and movements  in our other classes to promote body awareness, body control, flexibility, mobility and better movement.  GMB is the last piece of the puzzle to allow for pain and injury free training regardless of your age.